About the project
“The Game gives you a Purpose. The Real Game is, to Find a Purpose”
-Vineet Raj Kapoor
Escape to Your Future is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in the Field of Youth project with a duration of 18 months and aimed to facilitate the social inclusion and employability of young people with disadvantaged background through innovative and non-formal methodologies such as gamification and game-based learning.
Target Groups
Two main groups will be involved across the preparation, development, implementation and evaluation of the project.
Firstly, the young people with different background disadvantages such as low income, high level of school dropout, geographical problems, digital illiteracy, including the NEET population.
Secondly, youth workers, trainers and educators that work daily with the mentioned population.
It is expected to involve directly 30 participants on the project activities and over 200 indirect participants.

Our (Incredible) Partners
The team is composed by entities with different areas of activity such as Centre d’Estudis
Politècnics and ISTEC, Education Institutions, and Logos, a NGO, with the same needs and
concerns, promoting social inclusion, access to training and education through innovative
methodologies and initiatives.
(Super) Team Members

Pedro Brandão
Team Member

Aritz Castro
Team Member

Andreia Vieira
Team Member

Rafa Ferrandis
Team Member

Karolina Kierenkiewicz
Team Member

Diogo Algarvio
Team Member

Fran Arrébola

Wiktoria Moritz
Team Member

Antonio Domingo

Berat Cinko
Team member
Aims and activities
This project intends to promote actions, to build contents, digital instruments, educational
resources and to analyse the impact of innovative methodologies in the target groups and
stakeholders, rooted in a process of civilizational change (social, political, economic and
cultural). Always taking leverage of the individual skills and competences of each partner and
each individual, anchored by the best research and state of the art practices.
In sum the project aims to:
- Identify and share good practices in game-based learning methodologies for Societal innovations (inclusion and employability).
- (Re) and (up) skilling of youth workers. The access to a better success: Focus on basic and specific competences development.
- Develop innovative non-formal methodologies and materials to assist youth workers.
- Enhance employment and entrepreneurial skills of young people.
- Ensure equity in the exercise of rights, namely to help citizens with disadvantaged backgrounds (social/geographical) to better integrate in society and in labour market.
- Disseminate results (in a diversity of modes), promote impact (in youth workers, young people, non-formal education, society, policy and labour market), and to keep the results sustainable after the lifespan of the project.
These objectives will be attained through a variety of activities such as innovative Intellectual outputs, e.g. a toolkit on how to use gamification in learning activities, educational contents and an escape box, LTT activity (for young people) and multiplier events (to disseminate the outputs and better reach the stakeholders).